Gentle, Effective, Skin Rejuvenation with the AcuLift™ MicroPen
Microneedling effectively treats fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, improves skin texture and color and dramatically enhances effectiveness of skincare products. Visible results begin on the first day and continue for weeks afterward. As collagen levels continue to build up, your skin becomes more luminous and complexion more even.
Your Acupuncturist is uniquely qualified to perform Microneedling due to their in-depth knowledge of Chinese Medicine. Combining this ancient medicine with modern technology enhances health and beauty from the inside out. Body acupuncture address the internal causes of aging and organ imbalances, which often appear on the face. Relaxing, restorative acupuncture treatments can be combined with microneedling, drastically enhancing the effects.
Microneedling is done with the pen and a 16 needle tip, or a nano tip below. They are separate treatments done for different reasons. Microneedling is done once a month and creates micro channels of injury so the body responds by sending fibroblast, fibrin, and creating collagen to repair the damaged tissues. Nano needling creates finer (less deep) channels and can be used to exfoliate dead skin, smoothing out rough spots. Both can be used to help the serums penetrate into the skin to do their job, rather than just sit on top and not be absorbed.
In addition to facial rejuvenation (wrinkles, crows feet, 11 lines, forehead, joules, marionette lines and nasolabial folds, it can also brighten dark spots and sun damage. It can be used to decrease the appearance of scars, acne and rosacea. Microneedling can be used for head (not face) hair growth from loss or thinning due to anesthesia, thinning, age, covid hair loss, hair loss during and after pregnancy, general male pattern balding.
It can also be used for dark spots on hands (nano needle only). Nano needling can also be used under the eye, and in the lips for lip lines, whereas microneedling cannot be used in these areas.
The Aculift™ MicroPen is part of the Aculift™ MicroPen SYSTEM
This system incorporates all organic, vegan doctor formulated serums and pre and post care products for the best possible results.
Natural Solution
Little downtime
Improves appearance of wrinkles on face and neck
Safe for all skin types
Organic Skin Care Products

16 Pin Microneedle
Nono Needle

Before Treatment: If desired, topical anesthetic is applied before treatment to provide light numbing.
Gentle Treatment: Physician formulated; organic, vegan serum prepared for your skins individual needs will be applied. The AcuLift™ MicroPen is then used to create controlled microchannels, eliciting your body’s healing response. This will remodel and rejuvenate your skin to provide a younger, more firm and radiant appearance.
Post Treatment: Following treatment your skin may appear pink or slightly red, similar to a mild sunburn. This typically disappears after 12-24hrs. You will receive a patient aftercare kit to accelerate your recovery and results.
Results: Are sometimes apparent after one treatment and will improve over a series of 3-6 monthly treatments. Results will continue to progress for several months after your last treatment. Results can last up to 5 years!

My Personal Experience with Post Covid Hair Loss.
This was after four Microneedling sessions (each a month apart) and a few nano sessions in between.
Image credit: FacialAcupunctureclasses.com

Additional Facial Rejuvenation Services
Image credit: FacialAcupunctureclasses.com