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What is Traditional Chinese Acupuncture?

Acupuncture Model 

What Is Traditional Chinese Acupuncture?

Traditional Acupuncture is directed toward good health, vitality, balance, longevity, and alleviation of stress.  Acupuncture is an ancient approach, which addresses modern concerns and is effective in treating a wide range of health challenges. It has been proven effective over thousands of years and, although Chinese medicine and Western medicine are different, they complement each other.

How does Acupuncture work?

Life energy, Chi, courses through the body in channels similar to rivers that course through the earth.   When chi is full and flowing smoothly, life shows up as peaceful and joyful and we are strong and healthy.  When chi becomes “stuck”, illness can begin.  Even everyday stresses like deadlines, carpools and disappointments can lead to symptoms.  Rather than treat the symptoms, Acupuncture is able to reach the underlying imbalances.

You can benefit from acupuncture if you:

*Have chronic symptoms or illnesses, whether physical, mental, or emotional in nature

*Do not feel that you are functioning optimally, with energy and zest

*Have a lifestyle which places great demand on your vitality

*Get sick or feel tired frequently

*Are unable to sleep peacefully and wake rested

*Find your relationships unsatisfying and/or without harmony

*Lack a sense of balance in your life

*Want to clear up underlying causes for illness

*Want to prevent and  treat illness and disharmony                                                                                                        

What happens during an Acupuncture treatment?

Your acupuncture practitioner will take a detailed health history, will listen closely to why you have arrived for treatment and will observe you closely.  You will be asked to get comfortable and the acupuncturist will take several pulses.  These pulses give information about how the chi is flowing in your body.  After specific points are chosen, extremely thin needles are gently inserted just below the surface of the skin.  The sensation of the needle varies from no feeling at all to a slight ache or twinge.  The needles are disposable and the thickness of a human hair, so even people with a fear of hypodermic needles are able to relax with their use.  Usually only a few needles are used during each treatment, and most people report a deep sense of peacefulness during and after their treatments.

For more information or to set up an appointment, call Jean at 410-984-3700

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