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Can you Predict the Weather by Your Knee Pain?

Can acupuncture help chronic knee pain?

In many cases, yes!
A lot of people think that chronic pain is just something they have to “get used to.”

Especially if the pain has been going on a decade or more, they start to assume it’s part of their life now.
But acupuncture can be incredibly helpful in reducing daily knee pain as well as flare-ups.
If you have knee pain that:
✔️ Changes with the weather, such as worse with cold and/or rain
✔️ Gets worse with overuse, like long walks or standing for long periods at work
✔️ Prevents you from climbing stairs comfortably or kneeling in your garden
✔️ Is from an old injury that never really went away…
Then I definitely recommend trying acupuncture!
It’s a gentle treatment AND you get to take a nap.

Typically for chronic knee pain I recommend coming in once a week for 6-8 weeks, and then we try to space the treatments out a bit,
to see if you can go 2-3 weeks or a month, and still feel great.

With chronic pain, maintenance treatments are also incredibly helpful to prevent flare ups!
After an initial round of treatments, once a month is a great treatment plan to keep you feeling good.
If you have questions about your chronic knee pain, feel free to contact me!

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