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Facial Rejuvenation

Acupuncture facial rejuvenation is not just for wrinkles, sagging skin and dark spots. As a part of an overall program of skin health for individuals of any age, you can have treatments much in the same way you would get a facial. The difference being that an Acupuncturist specially trained in facial rejuvenation acupuncture can diagnose imbalances in your organs such as your liver which may cause Melasma or dark spots, in your kidneys which can result in dark circles or premature aging, your large intestine or lungs which can contribute to acne or your spleen which can contribute greatly to sagging and or puffiness.

Facial Acupuncture, done as part as a regular program of skin care can prevent the appearance of crow’s feet, sagging jowls, droopy eyelids and turkey neck before they happen. Once these signs of aging do begin to appear, needles can be used to increase collagen production, stimulate blood flow, relax atrophied muscles and brighten a dull complexion.

Techniques such as facial cupping, facial Gua Sha and micro-needle dermal rollers are also used to further enhance the effects of the treatments. Treatments are very relaxing and you will look forward to the refreshed, rested appearance you attain from each and every session. 

Is this a new trendy procedure?


As early as the Sung Dynasty (960AD-1270AD) Acupuncture Rejuvenation practices were employed for the Empress and the Emperors.  Recently Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation was demonstrated on the Dr. Oz show. (

Is there any proof that it works?


A 1996 report in the International Journal of Clinical Acupuncture reported that in 300 cases treated with Facial Acupuncture, 90% had marked effects with one course of treatment (12-20 sessions).

We all look better when we are less stressed, better rested and in good physical health.  Consider all the benefits of having all of you tended to…not just your face. 

facial rejuvination
Facial Rejuvination for fine lines and wrinkles

A series of Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation Treatments Can:

  • Erase fine lines, deeper wrinkles diminished
  • Lift sagging eye lids, reduce bags/circles
  • Firm jowls and minimize double chin
  • Improve muscle tone and increase collagen production
  • Eliminate puffiness by improving metabolism and eliminating excess fluids
  • Improve hormonal balance, benefits acne
  • Increase circulation of blood and lymph to the face and improves facial color
  • Moisturize the skin and tighten pores
  • Significantly reduce the appearance of scars and age spots
  • Slow the aging process from within
  • Reduce stress evident in the face
  • Promote overall health and well being
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