Found Jean Donati on LinkedIn, never tried Acupuncture before, thought about it but never tried. Called Jean and started asking questions and she listened, wow never had that happen with a doctor before, answered every question I had for her. I was still kinda hesitant so waited a week or so, and she texted me back with a few openings she had, and still I was hesitant about Acupuncture. So I hit the web and checked her out and her services and gave it a try. It was kinda weird to me so I asked more questions, and kindly she answered my questions. So I have been going to Jean for a month or so and most of my back pain is gone. So every appointment I have we sit and take about what’s going on and a plan of attack for me and what she’s going to do, than she asked is there any questions, and I leave feeling great. Thanks, Jean
Woody W.