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Acupressure for Lower Back Pain

Statistics show that almost eight out of ten people will  experience low back pain
at some point during their life. Seeking medical treatment for back pain is very common. Typically back pain is fleeting and can be easily resolved with rest, heat and an occasional anti-inflammatory like ibuprofen. However, once the damage is done, the
recurrence of back pain can be as high as 50 percent. Part of this is because as we age,
things like muscles and tendons become less flexible and pliable. It is also very well known
that in the United States, people are too sedentary and this leads to excess weight gain
that can create added pressure on the body, especially the low back.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a medical system that dates back nearly 3,000 years. But despite its age, TCM has a lot of validity to offer in the age of modern medicine. TCM provides many ways of combating low back pain. Here are just a few examples of how this ancient medical system can help. Studies have shown that acupuncture stimulates the body to produce natural steroids that reduce inflammation. Acupuncture also increases the production of endorphins, which are helpful in reducing pain. In this
way, acupuncture can be very helpful in preventing costly surgeries or prescription
pain medication addiction. If a person seeks out acupuncture treatments when the low
back pain is acute, it can potentially help them avoid chronic pain, thus decreasing the need for pain medications or surgery.

Large Intestine 4

This point is found bilaterally on the
outer side of the lower leg. It can fou d in the depression that is in front of and below the head
of the fibula. This point is known tial point of the


Gall Bladder 34

This point is located bilaterally on the crease behind the knee, right in the center, directly
behind the knee cap. This point helps relieve pain along the spine. It is helpful for relieving
muscle spasms and reducing pain associated with sciatic nerve involve which
stems from the low back.


Urinary Bladder 40

This point is located bilaterally on the back side of the hand, in the webbing between the
forefinger and the thumb. When the hand is made into a fist, the point can be located in the center
of the mound of flesh that is created.
This point is used for re pain
anywhere in the body.

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