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Journey of Personal Growth and Renewal?

Are You Ready to Embark on a Journey of Personal Growth and Renewal?                 Look no further than Jean Donati Acupuncture!

Here, we don’t just offer acupuncture treatments; we provide opportunities for transformation and rejuvenation of the Body, Mind, and Spirit.

Jean Donati, our experienced practitioner, understands that true healing goes beyond merely addressing physical symptoms. It’s about nurturing your entire being—mind, body, and spirit—to promote holistic wellness and empower you to take charge of your life’s direction.

True Healing is about nurturing your mind, body, and spirit to promote holistic wellness, and empowering you to take charge of your life!

So, where are you headed, and how do you plan to get there?

Here’s what sets us apart and what you can expect when you choose Jean Donati Acupuncture:

  1. Personalized Care: We don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. Each acupuncture session is tailored to meet your unique needs and goals. Whether you’re seeking relief from pain, stress reduction, or support for a specific health condition, we’ll design a treatment plan just for you, addressing not only your physical ailments but also your emotional and spiritual well-being.
  2. Holistic Approach: We treat the whole person, not just the symptoms. Alongside acupuncture, we offer complementary therapies such as facial rejuvenation, cupping, and lifestyle counseling to support your journey to optimal health and vitality. Our aim is to help your body tap into its innate ability to heal itself and promote overall wellness.
  3. Empowering Experience: At Jean Donati Acupuncture, you’ll find a supportive and nurturing environment where you’ll feel heard, valued, and encouraged every step of the way. We believe in compassionate care and genuine connection. Our clinic is a safe space where you can explore your healing journey, empowered to rediscover your natural capacity for wellness.
  4. Results-Driven Practice: Our ultimate goal is to help you achieve tangible results and lasting improvements in your health and well-being. Whether you’re seeking relief from chronic pain, improved sleep, or enhanced emotional balance, we’re committed to supporting you on your path to wellness.

Don’t wait any longer to invest in your health and well-being. Join us at Jean Donati Acupuncture and experience the transformative power of acupuncture and holistic healing. Take the first step towards a healthier, more vibrant life—schedule your appointment today!


Author: Jean Donati PA-C, M.Ac, L.Ac. 

Jean Donati is a Nationally Certified Physician Assistant, Licensed Acupuncturist and owner of Jean Donati Acupuncture.  She specializes in Traditional Five Element Acupuncture, and Facial Rejuvenation for physical, mental and emotional concerns.

The Joy Of Healing: How Summer Fun Heals the Heart

What comes to mind when you think of summer? For me, it stirs up nostalgia of childhood feelings of freedom, knowing that those endless days were all mine to fill with family and friends as we shared the sunshine. While “adulting” doesn’t always leave room for that kind of freedom, the promise of summer still gives us so much to celebrate.

In TCM, summer belongs to the Fire element. It is about expansion, outward expression, activity and joy. The heart is the ruler of this time. It houses the shen, or spirit, and this is the time to let the spirit dance and frolic and feel as free as possible. With the fire element in balance, the heart is happy, the mind is clear and the body maintains health with a blend of movement and stillness, excitement and peace. Summer is nature’s way of healing the heart by providing the ideal setting for all things heart-related!

So get pumped up for summer and all the healing it brings via:


What better way to bask in the healing power of summer than by soaking up the healing rays of sunshine. Obviously stop before you get burned, but don’t be afraid to feel that shine and let it in. When UVB rays hit human skin, they help to produce Vitamin D3, which reduces risk of heart disease, stroke, and hypertension . Those same UVB rays cause the skin to release beta-endorphins which promote natural pain-relief and a sense of well-being. Sunlight also helps the body to release nitrogen oxides, which opens up arterial flow and have anti-inflammatory effects. The exposure to sunlight is also required to set our natural circadian rhythms which regulate our sleep and wake cycles. For those of us who experience cold winters, the warmth of sunshine is one of the most welcome feelings and one of the best ways to support our fire element.


The energy of summer in Chinese medicine is considered very yang in nature. Fire is the element of extreme yang, and has a radiating, dispersing power. Think of the lively dance of fire burning. This is the time to move, get our heart pumping, and blood circulating. This is time for focusing on cardiovascular health! Summer makes this a much more inviting task with outdoor sports, swimming, hiking, or simply a walk on a warm summer night. And don’t forget to dance…never forget to dance.

Beauty of the Season

Taking care of the heart in Chinese Medicine includes making the spirit feel at home in the heart and the spirit craves beauty. Look at how the earth changes in summer. Flowers bloom, colors come alive, birds sing; there is art and music everywhere. This is a time for aesthetics and we all have our own taste. Get out and enjoy whatever stimulates your mind and heals your heart. Admire nature’s sunset paintings, smell the sweet perfume of the flowers, and let your spirit sing with the sounds of the season. Celebrate your own creative expression along with the energy of the season.


The sound that belongs to the heart according to TCM is laughter and the emotion is joy. It’s no wonder that joy feels best when shared. It’s also no wonder that researchers have found that the quality of family relationships and social connection is a strong factor in heart disease prevention.  So, as summer provides the warm inviting opportunities to get together, treasure your family and friends (and pets!) and find ways to connect, laugh and share your joy!

So, what are you doing this Summer? We’d like to know.

One thing that I may suggest, would be to get yourself back in here for an acupuncture summer-time tune-up! That’s one of the easiest ways that we can help manage your health and well-being. Give us a call today to schedule up your tune-up.


6 Acupressure Points to Help Manage Your Asthma

6 Acupressure Points to Help Manage Your Asthma

If you or a family member suffer from asthma, you might be looking for another alternative to the typical treatment options. With little to know side effects, acupuncture and acupressure just might be what you have been looking for. There are actually six common acupressure points that can help you manage your asthma symptoms.  continue reading »

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