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Journey of Personal Growth and Renewal?

Are You Ready to Embark on a Journey of Personal Growth and Renewal?                 Look no further than Jean Donati Acupuncture!

Here, we don’t just offer acupuncture treatments; we provide opportunities for transformation and rejuvenation of the Body, Mind, and Spirit.

Jean Donati, our experienced practitioner, understands that true healing goes beyond merely addressing physical symptoms. It’s about nurturing your entire being—mind, body, and spirit—to promote holistic wellness and empower you to take charge of your life’s direction.

True Healing is about nurturing your mind, body, and spirit to promote holistic wellness, and empowering you to take charge of your life!

So, where are you headed, and how do you plan to get there?

Here’s what sets us apart and what you can expect when you choose Jean Donati Acupuncture:

  1. Personalized Care: We don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. Each acupuncture session is tailored to meet your unique needs and goals. Whether you’re seeking relief from pain, stress reduction, or support for a specific health condition, we’ll design a treatment plan just for you, addressing not only your physical ailments but also your emotional and spiritual well-being.
  2. Holistic Approach: We treat the whole person, not just the symptoms. Alongside acupuncture, we offer complementary therapies such as facial rejuvenation, cupping, and lifestyle counseling to support your journey to optimal health and vitality. Our aim is to help your body tap into its innate ability to heal itself and promote overall wellness.
  3. Empowering Experience: At Jean Donati Acupuncture, you’ll find a supportive and nurturing environment where you’ll feel heard, valued, and encouraged every step of the way. We believe in compassionate care and genuine connection. Our clinic is a safe space where you can explore your healing journey, empowered to rediscover your natural capacity for wellness.
  4. Results-Driven Practice: Our ultimate goal is to help you achieve tangible results and lasting improvements in your health and well-being. Whether you’re seeking relief from chronic pain, improved sleep, or enhanced emotional balance, we’re committed to supporting you on your path to wellness.

Don’t wait any longer to invest in your health and well-being. Join us at Jean Donati Acupuncture and experience the transformative power of acupuncture and holistic healing. Take the first step towards a healthier, more vibrant life—schedule your appointment today!


Author: Jean Donati PA-C, M.Ac, L.Ac. 

Jean Donati is a Nationally Certified Physician Assistant, Licensed Acupuncturist and owner of Jean Donati Acupuncture.  She specializes in Traditional Five Element Acupuncture, and Facial Rejuvenation for physical, mental and emotional concerns.

Veterans Can Find Relief and Recovery with Acupuncture

Veterans Can Find Relief and Recovery with Acupuncture

You would be hard pressed to find a warrior who didn’t come home wounded; either physically, emotionally, or more likely, both. Those who serve our country often return carrying the weight of their experiences, unable to find solace due to their deep emotional scars.  continue reading »

Healing Trauma with Acupuncture

Healing Trauma with Acupuncture

Trauma can be emotional or physical and carries a weight with it for those who suffer from a traumatic event and the longer post-traumatic stress that can come from it. Fortunately, we live in a time where help is available. Since acupuncture subscribes to the whole mind/body/spirit healing approach to balancing energy and achieving complete wellness, it makes sense that acupuncture could be a helpful tool to treating various forms of trauma and its impact on both the mind and body. continue reading »

Acupuncture Helps with PTSD Symptoms

Acupuncture Helps with PTSD Symptoms

While commonly connected to those who have served in the military, post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD, can impact anyone who has suffered from violence or emotional trauma. The National Institute of Mental Health defines PTSD this way, “Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can develop after exposure to a potentially traumatic event that is beyond a typical stressor.” According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs approximately 12 million adults in the U.S. suffer from PTSD during a given year.  continue reading »

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Acupuncture

Words Post Traumatic Stress disorder

PTSD and Acupuncture

Those who have experienced trauma including, physical, emotional and sexual trauma can experience Post Traumatic Stress Disorder for months to years after the initial event.  Traumatic events can include physical events such as experiencing or witnessing a car accident or near-death experience, physical combat such as faced by veterans in war, and sexual trauma in the form of incest, rape or unwanted sexual encounters.  Individuals can carry the remnants of those events with them for a long time.  These remnants often continue to affect them in profound ways, disrupting their relationships, their overall mental health, and their daily lives.  Acupuncture is one of the modalities which can address the physical and emotional aftermath of traumatic events and assist on the path of healing.


What is PTSD?

PTSD is a physiological disorder that can result from being exposed to any traumatic event.  The disorder results in symptoms that can be different for each individual.

Possible symptoms include:

  • Some PTSD sufferers relive the traumatic event over and over. Flashbacks, memories, and nightmares are common.  Often, sounds, smells, and sights can trigger a flashback.
  • Avoidance is also common. Individuals with PTSD avoid people, places and events that remind them of the event.
  • Numbing is another self-preservation mechanism. Numbing can include difficulty expressing emotions, loss of interest in enjoyable activities, and the loss of memory of parts of the traumatic event.  Certain memories may resurface yeas after the event took place.  This is a common occurrence.
  • Arousal can be exhibited by anger, irritability, trouble concentrating or sleeping, feeling on guard and being easily startled or surprised.

The effects of post-traumatic stress disorder in someone’s life can be wide ranging.  An individual with PTSD may have feelings of hopelessness, shame and despair.  There may be problems at work.  Relationships may be strained.  Serious health conditions such as depression, anxiety and drug or alcohol abuse are not uncommon.  Other health issues include insomnia, stress, anxiety, depression, digestive disorders, anorexia, bulimia, difficulty with concentration and focus, and  headaches.


How Can I Help my Friend or Relative with PTSD?

There are many ways you can help your friend or relative with PTSD.

  • Learn everything you can about PTSD. Knowledge is power. The more you know about the disorder, the better you can understand what your friend is going through and why they are responding the way they are to specific triggers.
  • Offer your assistance. This may be going to physician visits with them, keeping track of medications, or going with them to therapy.  If your friend is learning new techniques to cope with stress try learn the new techniques with them.  Be supportive as possible.
  • Be available and fully present to listen. Listen with a compassionate open heart.  Don’t judge, argue, or problem-solve.  Your friend my not be willing or able to talk.  That is ok, just sitting with someone in silence may be what they need.
  • Plan fun activities to get them out and about. Be aware of events or environments that are difficult and plan events to be as stress-free as possible.
  • Pay attention to any comments about hurting themselves and report them to the therapist or doctor. If necessary, call 911.
  • Sometimes supporting someone with PTSD is challenging. Get support for yourself so you are able to help your friend or loved one.  Seek safety and help immediately if your friend or relative becomes violent or threatening.

PTSD Crisis Resources

If you or your loved one is in crisis:

  • Call 911.
  • Go to your nearest Emergency Room.
  • Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255).
  • Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline in Spanish/Español 1-888-628-9454.
  • Go to the veterans crisis website at to chat live with a crisis counselor at any time of day or night.
  • Call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-4673 or chat online 24/7 at

There are many new treatments available for people who have experienced physical, emotional or sexual abuse, assault, and trauma.  Acupuncture can foster a safe environment for healing and growth.  Jean Donati Acupuncture has experience in treating patients with PTSD.  For more information, please call 410-984-3700 for a confidential discussion.

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