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Tag Archives: depression

Acupuncture: A Gentle Touch in the Fight Against Cancer

Hearing you’ve been diagnosed with cancer can feel like getting run over by a freight train. It can be overwhelming to learn about the prognosis, treatment options, and what to expect as you begin the journey that will hopefully lead to a full recovery. 

The aggressive treatments, often including chemotherapy and radiation, can leave patients feeling drained and in

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Can Acupuncture Help with Depression?

As mental health issues have come to the forefront in recent years, many have sought more natural treatment options that don’t involve pharmaceuticals and their potentially harmful effects. Acupuncture has become a popular option for treating mental health issues, including depression. But does it work? Before we answer that question, let’s give a proper definition to both acupuncture and

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January 2023 Acupuncture Newsletter

Reflect on Your Health!


Reflection is when an image or idea returns to us, such as looking in a mirror, rethinking an event, or reviewing an idea. We can take a closer view and reconsider our original thinking.Reflection has other connotations in acupuncture. Outer appearances reflect inner health, so a well-trained practitioner of acupuncture will

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Posted in Acupuncture, Autoimmune Disease, Blood Pressure, Circulation, Depression, Health, Hypertension, Immune System, jean Donati Acupuncture, Nutrition, Skin, Skin Care, Sleep, Sports injury, Stress, Stress & Anxiety, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Weight Loss, Women's Health | Also tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Comments Off on January 2023 Acupuncture Newsletter

Welcome Autumn

Welcome to the Jean Donati Acupuncture Autumn newsletter.

Inside you will find interesting information about the season of autumn, the element of metal, the lung and large intestine (the organs associated with metal), how metal shows up in all of us, and ways to strengthen your body, mind, and spirit in this season.  Enjoy!


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Posted in Acupuncture, Allergies, Autumn, Cupping, detox, Diet, Fatigue, focus, Health, Immune System, jean Donati Acupuncture, Meditation, Nutrition, Qi Gong, Recipes, Sleep, Wellness | Also tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Comments Off on Welcome Autumn

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Acupuncture

PTSD and Acupuncture

Those who have experienced trauma including, physical, emotional and sexual trauma can experience Post Traumatic Stress Disorder for months to years after the initial event.  Traumatic events can include physical events such as experiencing or witnessing a car accident or near-death experience, physical combat such as faced by veterans in war, and sexual trauma in the

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Posted in Acupuncture, Anxiety, concentration, Depression, Digestive Disorders, focus, Health, Insomnia, mental clarity, Mental Health, Migraines & Headaches, PTSD, Sleep, Stress, Stress & Anxiety, Weight Loss, Wellness | Also tagged , , , , , , , , , , Comments Off on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Acupuncture
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