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Stress & Anxiety

Acupuncture, Mental Clarity, Concentration and Focus



My father had a saying,” Measure twice, cut once”.  It was his attempt to stay focused, centered and on task to prevent mistakes and frustration when he was creating something.

How many of us today are feeling like we are being pulled in many different directions and doing so many things at once but not feeling like we are doing any of them well?  We are multitasking but not happy with the effects it has on the outcomes or on our physical energy.

You may not be aware that acupuncture can help with creating clarity, improving concentration and mental focus.  Acupuncture can center your mind and body, and keep you on task.

I bring this up, because it affects all of us.  You may have noticed an error in my Mother’s Day gift Certificate email newsletter.  I made a typo, a simple mistake…but this is my point.  In my attempt to juggle work, home, and life in general, I wasn’t focused completely on the task in front of me.  My concentration lapsed for a moment.  Can you find the error?

Since I know that acupuncture can help with mental clarity, concentration, keep people centered and on task, I have already scheduled my next follow up appointment for an acupuncture session.

If you want to feel focused, centered, and more efficient give me a call.  Feel you need improved concentration and clarity?  Acupuncture can help with that!

Give Jean Donati Acupuncture in Towson a call today.  410-984-3700 or schedule online at

Health Benefits of Acupuncture and Yoga

The Health Benefits of Acupuncture and Yoga

Acupuncture is an ancient healing technique originating in China over 5000 years ago.  It is the process of moving qi (chee) or energy, in the body to decrease pain, facilitate health, wellness, and allow the body to heal itself.  Disruption of qi energy is responsible for pain and illness in the body.  By using certain acupuncture points, this energy is allowed to move freely and decrease pain and improve health.

The practice of yoga can be traced back to Northern India 5000 years ago.  It incorporates body postures, meditation, breathing and relaxation techniques all dedicated to moving prana or energy.

Acupuncture and yoga share the philosophy of connecting the body, mind, and spirit.  Through the practice of acupuncture and yoga, you can experience many health benefits.

According to Johns Hopkins Medicine the benefits of acupuncture and yoga include….

*Pain relief, in particular, improving back pain.

*Easing arthritis symptoms.

*Benefiting heart health

*Relaxation for improved sleep

*Increased energy, brighter moods and mental clarity.

*Stress relief

Both and acupuncture and yoga benefit the whole person by enhancing health of multiple body systems and increasing the sense of well-being.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes acupuncture to be helpful for many conditions affecting the body, mind, and spirit.  These include pain, stress, nausea and vomiting, headache and sciatica, plus many more medical conditions.

Come enjoy Acupuncture with Jean Donati Acupuncture in Towson, MD., and Yoga with Janet.  Your body will thank you for it.

Schedule an acupuncture appointment with Jean Donati Acupuncture in Towson, MD here

Schedule a virtual yoga class with Yoga with Janet here





Helping You Through Menopause

acupuncture menopause towson maryland jean donati

Many women, especially in Asian cultures, do not experience the symptoms associated with menopause, such as hot flashes, mood swings and fatigue. Some women even experience more energy at menopause. This is because menopause is actually a homeostatic mechanism that slows down the aging process in women. It is designed to conserve energy and blood, as the body can stop expending it on the menstrual cycle and reproduction. It is in this sense that we can think of it as a healthy transition, one just in time to slow down, then stop our reproductive function to conserve our essence and energy to allow us to get the most out of the final season of our lives.

Regular acupuncture can help with all kinds of life transitions, including menopause, and help you cash in on the benefits of those important shifts! Get in ASAP to set up an appropriate treatment plan!

Read More about Acupuncture and Menopause here…

Menopause and Acupuncture and You

Benefits of Acupuncture in a Palliative Care Setting

Benefits of Acupuncture in a Palliative Care Setting Jean Donati Acupuncture_Towson Maryland

People entering a hospice or palliative care setting bring with them a host of symptoms and emotions and often a multidisciplinary team of doctors and care providers. Research has shown that the addition of an acupuncturist to the hospice team can be effective and impactful at providing maximum comfort and improve quality of life. continue reading »

Kidneys in Balance: Activity & Rest in the Colder Months

acupuncture kidneys towson Maryland_Jean Donati Acupuncture

Winter is kidney season!

Kidneys are, in many ways, the alpha and omega of Chinese medicine organ theory, as they manage development and decline and therefore both life and death. They are also considered the root source of our energy. Essence, or jing qi, is the energy we receive at conception (also called prenatal qi). The kidneys are like a battery that is not rechargeable. Throughout our lives we slowly deplete this reserve. How fast it gets depleted depends on our lifestyle, environment etc.  Read more here….


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