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Acupuncture and Winter

Towson Jean Donati acupuncture winter

Picture that quintessential cozy winter scene: curled up with some deep thoughts and a cup of tea by a fire while an evening snowfall paints the landscape out a frosty window. This is the ultimate haven of winter’s archetype: the philosopher.
Winter Archetype Newsletter

The Benefits of Acupuncture and Heart Health

Every February romantics all over the world flock to the local flower shops and jewelry stores in search of the perfect bouquet or piece of jewelry to express their undying love. It has turned into a festival of love. The holiday became commercialized, celebrated with the retail consumption of heart-shaped candy and trinkets.

in recent years Valentine’s day has become trending more toward “self-love” and emotional wellnessYou’ve surely heard the term Mental Health IS Health. So, today let’s talk about self-love, heart health, and the benefits of acupuncture on heart health and Mental health.

In Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, the heart houses the Shen. The Shen is sometimes described as the spirit, but it also includes the mind. During the winter months, when the hours of sunlight are short, the weather is typically colder and very little is growing; many people develop something known as Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD. So perhaps, celebrating Valentine’s Day in the middle of winter is a way to keep our hearts healthy and our Shen lively, similar to the timing and benefits of the Chinese New Year celebrations. The feeling of love and community can permeate every cell of the body and mind. This feeling of emotional relief can bring healing to those who are experiencing SAD (or similar seasonal conditions) while helping to nourish the heart.

The heart is the center of perception and associated with feelings of joy. Valentine’s Day is a wonderful time to experience joy, and it doesn’t have to be from a romantic partner. Sharing special moments with those who are closest to us, friends, family, etc., helps to keep the heart full of joy. Even acts of selfishness can have profound effects on the mind, body, and soul. It is said that taking time to reflect while spending time alone can also help keep a healthy heart. If you are someone who enjoys being outside, now is a GREAT time to get out and appreciate the natural beauty around you.

Heart health is extremely important. Recent studies show general practitioners are prescribing exercise, nutrition, and stress reduction therapies as a primary means to prevent heart disease. In order to lower the prevalence of heart disease on a national scale, we can expect to see more regular implementation of these natural (and effective) holistic approaches to wellness. Acupuncture is beneficial in stress reduction as well.

Acupuncture has been shown to help lower blood pressure, decrease heart rate and calm the mind. There are specific acupuncture points and point prescriptions that can help the mind and the heart, which can strengthen the mind-body connection.

This year, when Valentine’s Day rolls around, don’t fret over trying to find the perfect card or gift. Instead, try focusing attention on the people, places, and things that bring joy and love to your life.

Give us a call for more information on the benefits of acupuncture for heart health.



CV 17: Dan Zhong This is a great self-help point for many reasons. Conception Vessel 17 is easy to find, and matches the location for the heart chakra, at the center of the sternum. With this point, you will find potent stress and anxiety relief, as well as an opening of the chest and calming of heart palpitations.



HT 7: Shen Men This point is located bilaterally on the underside of the wrist, at the outermost end of the wrist crease. H7 can help with heart arrhythmias, panic attacks, hypertension, insomnia, and much more. This point reduces excesses that disturb the spirit and the balance of yin/yang. This point is so powerful that TCM practitioners often praise Shen Men as being the most calming and relaxing point in the body, while conveniently being highly accessible.

PC 6: Nei Guan You can find this point on the inside of the wrist, 2 finger-widths up from the wrist crease, in between the two prominent tendons of the inner arm. Modern studies (linked here) have extensively evaluated the benefits of this point. It is becoming increasingly clear that acupuncture, specifically PC6, can effectively treat both the symptoms and underlying causes of cardiovascular disorders. 


KD 1: Yong Quan This is a great point used for grounding. Kidney 1 is located on the bottom of the foot, at the junction of the anterior one third and posterior two-thirds of the line connecting the base of the second and third toes and the heel. Kidney 1 can sedate and calm the mind, while also regulating blood flow to the upper part of the body, aka the brain.

Contact me today for more information on the specific acupuncture (or acupressure) points for heart health.

We are the premier Acupuncture Clinic in Baltimore, MD and Towson, MD.
Give us a call, we are here to help!  It does my HEART GOOD!

Jean Donati Acupuncture, LLC

5 Ways to Eat Without Overeating this Holiday Season

5 Ways to Eat Without Overeating this Holiday Season


We’ve always the heard the saying to enjoy everything in moderation, and that is definitely true when it comes to holiday foods. Don’t try to deprive yourself during the holidays, it most likely won’t go over well. Having an extra holiday treat here and there won’t kill you. You’re allowed to indulge a bit, just keep portions small when it comes to holiday desserts and make sure you limit how often you eat them. Going the whole season without any treats is cruel and will most likely end in binging later, so have your guilty pleasures, just keep them in moderation.


Watch the alcohol

The holidays are a time for celebration, which most likely means more alcohol. Not only does alcohol add on empty calories, but can also lead you to eating more while drinking. If you are at a gathering, limit yourself to one or two drinks to cut down on the unhealthy cravings you might be feeling afterward.

Focus on the protein

Protein-packed foods are a great way to fill up without adding a lot of sugar and empty carbohydrates. Pack your plate with low-fat meats like turkey and chicken. If you’re vegetarian, eat more of the tofu than the side dishes that are most likely to be sugar and carbohydrate heavy.

Fill up on the water

Don’t forget about water! The holidays are an easy time to drink more sugary beverages than normal. Substitute drinks for water, and drink a lot of it. Not only is water essential for your health, but drinking a glass before a meal can fill you up more as well, preventing you from overeating.

Take your time

Eating too fast is one of the easiest ways to overeat. When you don’t give your body the chance to digest food and feel full before you stop eating, chances are you’re going to end up eating more than you want. Eat slowly and enjoy each bite to give your body a chance to catch up. This way, you’ll end up getting full faster and eat less.

Most of all don’t forget to enjoy the holidays and the delicious food that comes with it, don’t be afraid to indulge a little!

The Importance of Giving Thanks

Giving thanks can make you happier according to a Harvard study published in August of 2021. Often the holidays are associated with negative emotions such as sadness and anxiety due to seasonal depression or added family pressures, and of course, serious cases of depression should be dealt with the help of mental health professionals. But what about people who feel more down than usual this time of year? Research suggests that a fundamental element of the Thanksgiving season can truly improve your mood and overall outlook— giving thanks.

No matter your situation – try to be thankful for the great things and people that you do have in your life every day – it will probably make you happier. Gratitude is an appreciation that an individual has for the goodness in their lives and in positive psychology research, gratitude is very consistently correlated with higher levels of happiness. It can be applied to the past, present and future in the form of optimism. Regardless of your current relationship with gratitude, it’s a practice that can be learned and cultivated.

What does the science say? Psychologists Dr. Robert Emmons from UC Davis and Dr. Michael McCullough from the University of Miami are responsible for much of this research. In one study, participants had to write down a few sentences each week. One group recorded the things they were grateful for that had happened that week and a second group wrote down all of the irritating or negative things that happened to them. The third group was told to write about events that affected them with no emphasis on the events being either negative or positive. 10 weeks later, the group that wrote more about gratitude were more optimistic and positive about their lives. Interestingly, they were also more physically active and had fewer doctors visits than the other groups.

There are many social studies that have examined how thankfulness can improve an individual’s relationships. In one couples study, individuals who made it a point to express gratitude for their partners felt more positive toward the other person and were more secure in expressing concerns. In another social study at the University of Pennsylvania, two groups of fund-raisers were randomly divided into two groups. The first group made phone calls to ask for donations from alumni in the same way they usually did. But the second group received a pep talk from a director who told the fund-raisers how grateful she was for their hard work. After the fundraiser, it was found that employees who received the message of gratitude made 50% more calls than the other group.

Gratitude helps people deeply appreciate what they already have, as opposed to constantly looking for new things, people or achievements to stimulate short term positive emotions. Being thankful is a way to focus on what you have, not what you lack, and it’s a mental state that grows stronger with use.

Show some gratitude to YOUR body and mind. Treat yourself to an acupuncture treatment. Give us a call today!

Auricular Acupuncture…With or Without Needles

acupuncture points on the ear
Are you interested in the benefits of Acupuncture but have a fear of needles?

Auricular Acupuncture may be just what the doctor ordered!  Auricular acupuncture is acupuncture that focuses on acupuncture points in your ears.
It involves either the use of small hair thin needles or the use of vaccaria ear seeds (no needles) at specific points along the pathways of energy in the body called meridians.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), a blocked or disrupted flow of energy (qi) can have a negative effect on your physical and mental health.  Acupuncture aims to restore the flow of qi by resolving any blockages or disruption thus resolving the symptom or negative effect to you physical or mental health.
There are more than 200 acupuncture points in the ear.  Auricular Acupuncture can be used for a wide range of conditions, and it is especially useful to relieve pain, calm the mind and treat withdrawal symptoms from addictions.  But that’s not all…. Auricular acupuncture can treat literally hundreds of conditions.  All types of physical pain (headaches, neck pain, back pain, sciatica, arthritis, fibromyalgia, sports injuries, abdominal pain), Mood and Emotions (Anxiety, stress, depression, PTSD, insomnia, ADD, ADHD).  Even More (Weight loss, PMS, tinnitus, TMJ, Vertigo, Circulation, Allergies ….

Some conditions most commonly treated with auricular acupuncture include:

  • Stress and anxiety
  • Chronic and acute pain
  • Nausea
  • Insomnia/fatigue
  • Digestive disorders
  • Motion Sickness, Dizziness, vertigo
  • Smoking cessation
  • Weight loss
  • Headaches, including migraines
  • Focus and memory problems
  • Symptoms of menopause/ postpartum depression
  • Infertility, low libido, sexual dysfunction
  • Addiction withdrawal symptoms
  • Mood swings
  • Acne

An Auricular acupuncture session is generally shorter than a traditional acupuncture session, lasting only 20-30 minutes.  Auricular acupuncture is performed while the patient is seated in a quiet room.  Your acupuncturist may ask you questions about your health, sleep, appetite, digestion, and mood.  The needles or seeds are inserted and remain in place for 10-20 minutes.  It is usually very relaxing and some patients even take a nap!
The needles or seeds are removed and your acupuncturist may ask how you are feeling.  Most people feel refreshed and calm.

Auricular acupuncture is a form of acupuncture that focuses on the energy of the body in the ears and can be helpful for numerous health issues from chronic pain and stress to headaches, mood disorders and addictions.  It may be beneficial for those who have a fear or dislike of needles but who still would like the benefits acupuncture can provide.  Auricular Acupuncture is available by request at Jean Donati Acupuncture, LLC.  Call today for an appointment 410-984-3700 or schedule online at Https://


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